Giorgia Lombardelli


PhD thesis title: Development and techno-economic analysis of biogas-to-liquid fuels processes

Academic Tutor: Matteo Carmelo Romano

Academic Supervisor: Stefano Consonni and Manuele Gatti

PhD cycle: 35° (see all student profiles of the same cycle > LINK)

BSc: Chemical and Food Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
MSc: Chemical and Sustainable Processes Engineering, Politecnico di Torino

Thesis abstract

My research aims at identifying, through process design, modelling, simulation and economic analysis, the most promising technologies for biomass conversion into liquid fuels. The focus is the biogas-to-methanol production through two routes: biogas reforming and CO2 (from biogas upgrading) hydrogenation investigating the e-fuel production with H2 from electrolyzer. My study involves the performance analysis of an innovative catalyst for CO2 hydrogenation, based on both experimental and modelling activities. The innovative catalyst is included in the techno-economic analysis of the investigated methanol synthesis processes at full-scale.

Personal interest in my research theme

I have a particular interest in the world of research linked to environmental sustainability. What I like the most about my research field is that it allows me to add to chemical and process knowledge an in-depth study of energy aspects and issues related to the environmental sustainability of the CO2 utilization and biofuels production technologies. The study of liquid biofuels and the exploitation of renewable resources particularly fascinates me because I think it represents an important strategy for the progressive decarbonization of some sectors, such as transport.