Alessia Motta


PhD thesis title: Sequential Infiltration Synthesis (SIS) as a novel approach in industrial applications

Academic Tutor: Carlo Spartaco Casari

Academic Supervisor: Michele Perego

PhD cycle: 36° (see all student profiles of the same cycle > LINK)

BSc: Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology, Politecnico di Milano
MSc: Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology, Politecnico di Milano
Energy for Motion grant for “Conference Award” awarded by the Energy Department of Politecnico di Milano (2022)

Thesis abstract

The aim of my Ph.D. research is the study of the fundamental physics and chemistry involved in the Sequential Infiltration Synthesis (SIS) process. I infiltrated Al2O3 into different polymer matrices to understand how the composition and location of the reactive groups influence the SIS process. This will help to tailor the process parameters according to the application requirements. I then studied the changes in thickness and optical properties of the polymers by in-situ real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry and correlated them with the diffusion, sorption and reactivity as a function of process temperature.

Personal interest in my research theme

What I find the most interesting about my PhD research is its multidisciplinary nature spanning from the understanding of chemical reactions to the physics of the process itself. It is astounding how all of these aspects can be studied by a single characterization technique performed in real time and in situ. Moreover, I appreciate my research because the properties modification of treated polymers could help to improve the application fields of these hybrid organic-inorganic materials such as in micro-electronics.